David Meldrum Watercolour

Happy mother in law

My mother in law lives in a beautiful house only metres from the sea in Brittany,  north-west France.  It gives me great pleasure knowing that my painting of her home makes her so happy.
David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Last life drawing for 2014

These sketches were done at Konstnärshuset last Tuesday, 201412009

Five minute nude by David Meldrum
Five minute nude

Nude by David Meldrum
Ten minute nude

Five minute nude by David Meldrum
Five minute nude

I could do some nudes at Basis here in Stockholm this Saturday but I just have to focus on the Christmas monster that I have been ignoring. Presents have to be bought and cards have to be sent, you know the drill. Looking forward to next year’s life drawing already.

David Meldrum figure painting Watercolour

Two hour pose

Last Sunday I spent two hours painting this portrait of a male nude. I didn’t quite capture the likeness very well but I’m happy with the end result anyway. The picture is about A3 in size and on Fabriano Rough 300g paper.

David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Watercolour

A lunch time watercolour

I was so busy last week, I didn’t have a chance to take a photo of this until today. Actually there was 5 – 10 minutes sun here in Stockholm today! We have very flat, grey, overcast skies here most of November and December, difficult to copy ones art, depressing too.
Even though I’m busy at work I still try and do a watercolour each lunchtime, nothing last week but I should get a few done this coming week. Something to look forward to in this gloomy Nordic darkness. I used two photographs as reference.

Waterclour by David Meldrum
Stockholm archipelago. Fabriano GF 30.5 x 23 cm

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Saturday’s life drawing

Life drawing at Basis, Stockholm, 20141207

Finding it hard getting enthusiastic about my life drawing this week, I should take a break maybe. No, I’ll carry on anyway, in the long run I know I’m improving with all this practice, one sketch at a time, one sketch at a time…

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Tuesday’s life drawing

Life drawing at Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, 20141202

I was tired and found it hard to get into the groove. The model, who was young and pretty did not inspire me, no dynamics, she lacked energy in her posing. I can’t blame her, it was I who was at fault, I just wasn’t in the mood. Managed a few half decent sketches all the same.

David Meldrum drawing Sketch Urban Sketchers urban sketching

New sketch gallery page

I used to have a flickr page for my sketches but I suddenly couldn’t login to the account any more. Frustrated and annoyed, I created a tumblr site instead. So if you’d like to see my latest sketches from my notebooks, visit here.

A5 Fabriano sketch paper

A5 Fabriano sketch paper

A5 Fabriano sketch paper
David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Tuesday’s life drawing

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm. 20141125.

I had the same male model as a few weeks previous so I was quicker at picking up the curves and muscle tones etc. I feel pretty comfortable with my life drawing these days, its a nice feeling. Now all I got to do is get the same sensation while I watercolour!

Male nude by David Meldrum
Five minute nude, A4 Fabriano sketch paper

Male nude by David Meldrum
Five minute nude, A4 

Male nude by David Meldrum
Ten minute nude, A4 

Male nude by David Meldrum
Five minute nude, A4 

Male nude by David Meldrum
Five minute nude, A4 

Male nude by David Meldrum
Two minute nude, A4 

Male nude by David Meldrum
Five minute nude, A4 

Male nude by David Meldrum
Two minute nude, A4  
Male nude by David Meldrum
Five minute nude, A4 

Male nude by David Meldrum
Two minute nude, A4 

David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Watercolour

Some lunchtime watercolours

Here are some of my recent lunchtime watercolours. 30 – 45 minutes and they’re done. It feels good to produce work each day, maybe it could be better if I had more time, but maybe not, having time is no guarantee of success. Life’s funny that way.

Watercolour by David Meldrum
Fabriano rough grain 300g,  23 x 30.5 cm

Watercolour by David Meldrum
Arches rough grain 300g,  23 x 30.5 cm

Watercolour by David Meldrum
Fabriano rough grain 300g,  23 x 30.5 cm

Watercolour by David Meldrum
Fabriano rough grain 300g,  23 x 30.5 cm

Watercolour by David Meldrum
Arches rough grain 300g,  23 x 30.5 cm