David Meldrum moleskin Sketch

Lunch Sketch

Pencil sketch of male head by David Meldrum
Pencil sketch by David Meldrum

I have not completed a Lunch Sketch for long time, at least it feels that way; I am trying to improve my line drawing skills. Charles Reid mentioned in one of his watercolour DVDs that drawing was 90% of a successful painting, I agree.

David Meldrum moleskin Sketch

Sketching more and more

Since I started drawing again I’ve been mainly going to life drawing evenings but now I find I’m starting to sketch other subjects, I’m diversifying. Is it time to start a ‘My Sketches’ page I wonder?

Charles Reid

Charles Reid Watercolour Secrets

I ordered this Charles Reid Watercolour Secrets DVD direct from Pulsar Productions in Australia less than a week ago! There was no charge for postage either, amazing! It would have been so much more expensive if I’d ordered it on Amazon.

Posted DVD of Charles Reid Watercolour Secrets
Charles Reid Watercolour Secrets

Urban Sketching…

I have precious little time to sketch which is frustrating, I became ill this mid-summer weekend just when I thought I finally had some free days. Blah. Still, I managed a few sketches before I was forced into bed.

art lesson Charles Reid dvd Watercolouring

My second Charles Reid DVD

I received this DVD when I arrived home from holidays the other day, it’s a funny coincidence that a trawler is one of the main subjects Charles Reid has chosen to watercolour. I found the DVD to be very helpful, I learned a lot and I hope my skills improve in the coming months. The title of this tutorial DVD is, Charles Reid’s Watercolour Landscape Masterclass. He paints two watercolours, explaining in detail his approach and execution of each piece.

A picture of Charles Reid's Watercolour Landscape Masterclass DVD
Charles Reid’s Watercolour Landscape Masterclass
David Meldrum O Sketch Watercolour Watercolouring

Old trawler

I arrived home from a one week holiday last night. I was in Paimpol, a beautiful old fishing harbour on the north-west coast of France. I managed to find time to do some watercolours. The painting below of the old trawler took me about 2 hours to complete, I am very happy with my progress in learning how to paint. I only wish I could spend more time with my new hobby, these last few months have been so busy both at work and privately. Still, the summer is here and in a few weeks I presume I will have more time for watercolours as the pressure at work diminishes during the holiday season.

Old trawler
Old trawler

artists Charles Reid Watercolour

A great collection of Charles Reid work

I found this wonderful web page full of Charles Reid’s portraits and nudes. Click here.

A watercolour life drawing sketch by Charles Reid
Watercolour life drawing by Charles Reid
A watercolour portrait by Charles Reid
Watercolour by Charles Reid

David Meldrum Sketch Watercolour Watercolouring

My first tree!

A watercolour sketch of a tree by David Meldrum
A Tree by David Meldrum
The great thing about beginning something, like having art as a hobbie for instance, is that there are so many firsts! Like drawing this tree, I’ve never painted a tree before, at least I don’t remember ever doing one. I am currently on holidays, relaxing after a very busy period at work, coming down, looking forward to having a few days to sketch, sketch, sketch.
acylic painting Alexa Meade Portrait

Alexa Meade creates acrylic illusions

Alexa Meade paints with acrylics directly on human flesh creating the illusion of painterly portraits. Interesting twist to portrait painting. 

Alexa Meade paints portrait in acrylic directly on the model
Alexa Meade portrait