
My Hero arrived!

Yes, my Hero Calligraphy pen arrived today from China. I’m really looking forward to trying it out later, I will post the results, the prospect of using a bent-nib will be a wonderful creative challenge. Hopefully not too challenging!

David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Sketch

Two sketches today

A watercolour of Solvalla Betting Kiosk by David Meldrum
Solvalla Betting Kiosk

I found time to do two sketches today, one with detail and the other without. The sketch to the left I did during my lunch break. I work at the Solvalla horse trotting track just north of Stockholm and so this is why I picked a betting kiosk as my subject. I find it to be one of the more attractive buildings in the area.

The Sketch below I did on the way home from work, the sun was shining and Medborgplatsen (town square) was full of people. I needed to get home to my family for dinner so I used less detail.

A watercolour of a sunny Medborgplatsen by David Meldrum
Summertime in Medborgplatsen

David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Sketch Solvalla Stables Watercolour Watercolouring


No pencil was used for this watercolour sketch, time was short so I drew it with ink and at speed in a standing position. The lines are shaky and scratchy which I quite like, I find that the faster I sketch the better the result, I learned this with my life drawing, a two minute sketch being more free and alive than a 15 minute sketch. No time to think and using ones instinct isn’t a bad thing sometimes.

A watercolour sketch of Solvalla Stables by David Meldrum
Solvalla Stables, Stockholm.

Sketch Water Watercolour Watercolouring

Forgotten watercolour sketches

I forgot about these watercolour sketches I did while on holidays in Brittany last month. There is something about boats that I am drawn too, I grew up by the sea and have sailed since the age of ten so it is not so strange I guess.

A watercolour sketch of an old trawler by David Meldrum
Trawler watercolour sketch
A watercolour sketch of a green old trawler by David Meldrum
Green Trawler  watercolour sketch

David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Sketch

Trojan Horse outside my window

Believe it or not there is a Trojan horse outside my office. I work at Solvalla, Sweden’s biggest horse trotting stadium. I used my new Moleskin Watercolour Sketchbook for this lunch time sketch (I listened to the advice of Luis from my previous post!).

David Meldrum Sketch Urban Sketchers

Meeting the Urban Sketchers

A sketch by David Meldrum of Luis Simöes
Luis sketches in Stockholm.

I met Nina Johansson and Luis Simöes from Urban Sketchers last weekend, It was a very inspirational meeting. We sat outside a café on Nybrogatan and chatting but mostly sketched. I’m new to this Urban Sketching thing so it was a bit difficult just drawing whatever was in front of you. In the end I wanted to draw the shop opposite but Luis was in the way so I drew him too, it was fun! Luis told me to use better paper, which I took onboard. I also learned that composition is so important when Sketching, a quick drawing will never look good if it is squeezed into the confines of a page, not given enough white space to breath in other words.

Luis Simöes is currently on a World Sketching Tour, check out his blog and see where he has been sketching and where he plans to visit.


Koi Watercolour set

Like I mentioned before, I was not well last week which meant I felt sorry for myself, which meant that I bought a few toys to cheer myself up, which in turn means they are starting to arrive now! 🙂
Today I received my Koi Watercolour set which holds 24 colours. Do I really need this? No, of course not! Will it make me a better artist? No, but I’m totally willing to pretend. 🙂

This Koi Watercolour set contains 24 colours, a tray, sponges and a Waterbrush.
This Koi Watercolour set contains 24 colours, a tray, sponges and a Waterbrush.

Playing with colours

Pen and watercolour sketch of male model by David Meldrum
Sketch by David Meldrum

Sitting on my balcony, having fun with some bright colours and my 0.70 Faber-Castell…

Cathy Johanson Don Low Hero Calligraphy pen Pen and ink

I need a hero!

A Hero calagraphy pen. Photo: Cathy Johnson

After reading Cathy Johnson’s article from the Artist’s Journal about illustrating with a Hero Calligraphy pen I was literally hooked.
I have been looking for a fountain pen that would encourage me to draw in a loose style. My continual personal fight is to try and forget my graphic training from my years in advertising. I aspire to a free expressive line, not easy to find when you have reached or maybe even passed middle-age. By the way, does anyone know what the official mid-life years are? When do they start and when do they end?

So after reading Cathy’s article which was published on the Artist’s Journal Workshop website I immediately followed her advice and visited eBay and started hunting for some Hero pens. I found two which I ordered from China, one for 6 dollars and the other for 12, not so expensive and I hope to have a lot of fun with them. The seller of the Hero 86 Calligraphy pen had a very impressive page on eBay, he even had a number of pictures of himself going about his export business with the help of his moped, cute, I wish him the best of luck with his business.  I have been buying a lot of art related things recently; I should probably stop ordering and start drawing instead – but shopping is so much easier than scratching that first uncertain line on a clean, white page!
If you would like to see the work of an excellent pen & ink sketcher who uses a Hero pen, visit Don Low’s blog, I discovered him on

Hero 86 Calligraphy Pen (12 dollars)
Hero 86 Calligraphy Pen exporter!