David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Sketch Watercolour

Lunch Sketch

Inspired by my watercolour sketches from the weekend I did another boat sketch today during my lunch break. I found my reference image on Google, I searched using the words, ‘Sailing and Archipelago’. The white foam created by the boat was achieved with office Tipp-Ex. 🙂

Sailing boat in the archipelago by David Meldrum
Lunch Sketch 20130702
David Meldrum Sketch urban sketching Watercolour

Stockholm Sketcher

It’s summer time and most people in Sweden disappear to relax and enjoy the short season of warmth. Either this or they are busy getting everything done before they take their holidays. So this month, I was the sole sketcher representing, ‘The Stockholm Sketchers’ group. It would have been nice with some company but I still had a lovely day.
I discovered that sketching boats isn’t easy, there is so much detail; so it’s a question of what one should leave out and what one should add to improve the picture. I’m happy enough with these two watercolours, sure – I made mistakes, I learned from them and I look forward to sketching boats again soon to see if I have indeed learned something.

A watercolour sketch by David Meldrum
Violette, Skeppsholm, Stockholm, 20130630

A watercolour sketch by David Meldrum
Leo, Skeppsholm, Stockholm, 20130630

David Meldrum Sketch urban sketching

Three Wheel Glory

I went out for a ride on my new bike this morning, saw this little van and I just had to sketch it.

Sketch of 3 wheel van by David Meldrum, 20130629
Biro, A6 moleskin, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm, 20130629

David Meldrum Sketch urban sketching Watercolour

Midsummer’s eve in central Stockholm

Stockholm is empty on midsummer’s eve, only tourists walk the streets. Swedes are celebrating the year’s mid-point out in the country side and the archipelago. I decided to go for a cycle into town late in the afternoon and did this watercolour sketch of Stockholm’s Town Hall.

Stockholm Town Hall, A5 watercolour, Moleskin note book.


One more

Ha, I squeezed in this sketch into my lunch break too! 


Lunch sketch

No opportunities to watercolour at the moment. A quick sketch from my screen at work the only possibility. 


Upside down world

For the last three weeks we’ve had a carpenter re flooring the apartment. It’s was a crazy idea to live there while it was being done, and painting watercolours was just not a possibility. Anyway, the apartment is finished now and it’s looking great. Once all the dust has been removed, and the furniture put back in place – I’ll be back in business. Last night I did this quick sketch, I had no reference, so it’s from the mind, strange place; my mind.

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Watercolouring

Summer break from life drawing

Venue: Konstnärshuset

This was the last life drawing session before the summer break. I guess I’ll have to sketch from photos I find on the internet for a few months. I certainly don’t want to stop drawing the human form just because of holidays! 
Watercolour sketch by David Meldrum
Five minute watercolour sketch

Watercolour sketch by David Meldrum
Five minute watercolour sketch

Watercolour sketch by David Meldrum
Five minute watercolour sketch

Sketch by David Meldrum
Two minute pencil sketch

Sketch by David Meldrum
Two minute pencil sketch
David Meldrum Sketch urban sketching Watercolour

Charles de Gaulle Airport

I sketched this bored traveller in the airport bar on the way home from France at the weekend.

Bored, by David Meldrum