akvarell Sketch watercolor Watercolour

The flea market on Hötorget

I met some other sketching friends during the weekend. We spent a lovely afternoon at Greta’s café which had a good view of the square on Hötorget. It’s in central Stockholm. Every Sunday there is a flea market. Lots of old stuff to buy or not to buy.

The format I paint in is quite small, 18 x 13 cm. This allows me to finish a sketch quickly. It is a good thing, because the object or person I am trying to capture has a habit of moving or disappearing totally.

akvarell Sketch watercolor Watercolour

A visit to the Mediterranean

I had a fun evening during the weekend meeting up with an old friend. We went sketching at the Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities here in Stockholm. That’s the “Medelhavsmuseet” in Swedish.

I sketched the only bust in the place that didn’t have a broken nose. He wasn’t a very happy. He was a bit intimidating to be honest.

Later, we had a curry and a few beers. A great night.