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Live portrait painting

I tried my hand at live portrait painting last week. It was very challenging as I am not used to painting a long pose. The model wasn’t very happy, honestly! But he did have two eyes. I seem to have lost one of his eyeballs. Sorry about that Mr. Model!
Thank you Farigh Ghaderi Art Studio! 🙂

Click the thumbnail below if you would like to see the larger image.

By meldrum

My name is David Meldrum. I am an Artist who loves watercolour.

3 replies on “Live portrait painting”

Așa e, se vede imediat ! Dar nu înțeleg de ce nu ați intervenit ulterior cu o reparație. Orice este posibil, dacă e vorba de o restaurare.
Păcat de portret, este foarte expresiv și mai ales cu anumite tușe geometrizate, care îi dau un aspect sculptural epoca JugendStil

Just det, det syns direkt! Men jag förstår inte varför du inte gick in senare med en fix. Allt är möjligt när det kommer till restaurering.
Synd på porträttet, det är väldigt uttrycksfullt och speciellt med vissa geometriska inslag, vilket ger det en skulptural aspekt av JugendStil-eran

Hello Victor,
Another late reply, sorry about that! I am happy with this painting. I think the imperfection (eye) adds to the watercolour. It puts the viewer off balance a little and so makes it more interesting. At least that is what the art theory suggest. 😁
Best wishes,

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