My first week as full-time artist was spent swimming in the deep end of video production. I plan to have a regular vlog on Youtube, more about that at a later date. I also want to produce art demonstrations or even tutorials. I really know very little about video production so I’ve been studying Premiere Pro all week until my brain went numb. Now I know how to use my Go Pro camera and my Lumix too. I’m experimenting with microphones, sound recording is harder than I thought. What names should my wee recording buddies have? At last I will get a chance to paint tomorrow. Have a nice weekend.
First week report …

4 replies on “First week report …”
Waiting for it………..
Yes, I am not painting at the moment which is a worry. I’m distracted with learning to vlog. Filming and editing isn’t so easy, I have a lot to learn. I have started painting again during the last few days though so some sketches are coming. Thank you for your patience Jose.
Just found your blog and mindblowing art, which led me to this blog. Can’t wait to read your coming posts, and I’m looking forward to your blogs. I just picked up the watercolour brush again after a long hibernation. Feeling super rusty, but determined to improve my traditional art this year.
I use a Röde microphone(connected to a Canon Eos 7D Mark 2) when I record videos, but don’t think it’s an optimal mic.
By the way, do you speak Swedish? I live in Stockholm too! 🙂
Hello Andrea!
Thank you for liking my art. It’s always nice to get a compliment. Yes, I am still swimming in the deep-end when it comes to vlogging. I have so much to learn but I am moving forward, it’s not going to happen overnight but nothing ever does. I have a Lumix LX 100 which is an excellent compact camera but not optimal for vlogging. When I bought it 2 years ago I wasn’t thinking about filming myself whatsoever. I’ve been following “Sailing la Vagabond” and Thomas Heaton (landscape photographer) and have learned that they too use Canon cameras. They seem to be the only major brand that have the features needed to vlog.
Your art is a amazing, you are very talented. Great that you want to start watercolouring again. If you are interested we have a group on Facebook called Stockholm Urban Sketchers, we meet on the last sunday of the month and sketch either indoors during the winter or outdoors during the summer months. A lot of us use watercolours and one can be inspired a lot by people like Nina Johansson and some even learn a few tricks from me too.
Jag talar Svenska! Jag har bott här i Stockholm sedan 1990 så min svenska är helt okej 🙂 …fast jag vill helst skriva på engelska, inte lika jobbigt för mig att svara osv. Jag är lat helt enkelt. 😉