A small composition test 34 x 24 cm on Fabriano fine grain. I plan to paint a large version today.
Click the image below for full size version.

I am trying to paint watercolour at life drawing again. I think my approach was quite successful. As the poses are generally only 5 minutes in duration I just painted the skin tones. Later, during a pose I did not find inspiring ( when the model had her back to me ) I painted the background and more shading, especially around the face.
I liked this model so I felt quite inspired. The lighting at ABF is awful, fluorescent tubes in a very large room, not very pleasing normally but a good model makes up for it.
Last week I attended my first Life drawing session. I am happy the figure drawing season has begun again but a bit sad that the summer is over. I do not usually go to ABF to draw but as my usual venue (Konstnärshuset) has not started yet so I gave it a try. The model was new to me, Alia was her name. Always nice to sketch a new life drawing model. I painted mostly watercolours that evening which I will publish in the next post.