Six months after my first exhibition I am now having another. It starts on the 3rd of December and is at Konsthallen in the old town here in central Stockholm.
Here are the full details:
David Meldrum – Watercolours and life drawings
Saturday 3rd of December 2016, 12.00 – 18.00.
Konsthallen, Köpmanbrinken 2, Gamla Stan, Stockholm.
Exhibition continues until the 8th of December.
Opening times: Saturday to Thursday 12.00 – 18.00.
Month: November 2016

The model’s name is Rosa, I’ve been drawing her since I began life drawing which was back in 2011. I know all her poses, her curves and every muscle on her stocky frame because I have sketched her countless times. She used to be a circus performer I have heard, she is 60 years old – she is young for her age.

I seem to be back in the swing of thing when it comes to my life drawing. I’m keeping it simple at the moment, I use a 2mm 3b and 3mm 6b mechanical pencil. No watercolouring and no charcoal to distract me from catching the pose.
