Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm. 20150331
It wasn’t one of my better life drawing sessions. I was feeling worn-out. Working, painting and drawing all the time, I needed a break so I did just that.
… Now I’m back and today I finished a large watercolour, it wasn’t a total success but I learned a lot working in large format ( full imperial ). At my next figure drawing session I plan to draw less pencil outlines. I want to smudge charcoal dust around the outline of the figure to give a softer more natural look. Also, it was pointed out to me that the eyes I draw are too stylised, a line and a dot basically. I will try and change this over time.
Five minute nude |
Five minute nude |
Five minute nude |
Two minute nude |
2 replies on “Life drawing”
Yes you should have a rest, too many things at the same time, I don´t know how you are able to work so much. The result of the session of life drawing is fantastic, the smudging with carcoal gives a softer look but at the same time stronger than only the line. I would like seen the big watercolor, sure it´s a very good one. My watercolors at the moment are a little stiffy, I´m trying to get a more free style, mixing colors wet on wet.As you can imaginig not very good results. Thank you for your interest.
There is no life drawing this week because of the Easter break. I miss my Tuesday drawing session! I am very busy at the moment, not enough time for my art. Spring has arrived in Sweden, which means one has to change tyres on cars and bikes to summer ones. In the winter we drive with metal studded tyres. I have a small boat that has been on land during the cold months and now needs to be prepared for putting into the water in early May. Sweden is very seasonal, work gets busy around this time too. So it's hard to paint. Life will quieten down again in a months time. I look forward to it.