It was easier than I thought it would be, my first horse. I used a photograph as reference and used both, masking fluid and white gouache for the details. The paper is Arches, 300g, rough, 19 x 28 cm. I enjoyed painting a four legged creature instead of two, I therefore plan to paint more horses in the near future.
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4 replies on “My first horse”
Oj, va fint målad! Man kan riktigt 'höra' hur hästen gnäggar.
Den ser lite smått skrämd ut…
Det skulle vara intressant att få se fotografiet, hur du har tolkat fotot.
Fantastic horse, makes me feel like a cowboy, good job as usual, more details than in figure, and works as always. Congratulations.
Thanks setxu, I spent more time on it compared to the figure painting. It was fun!
Tack! Tyvärr kan jag inte publicera bilden på grund av copyright.