Location: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, 20140218
Well, normally I am very self-critical but this time I have to admit that I’m totally happy with my life drawings. Instead of shading with a 6B lead, I used pastels. A friend uses charcoal and I was envious of the amount of shading he was able to achieve for each pose. With a 6B one has to shade carefully otherwise it looks rough and unattractive to the eye. This takes time and time is short at the life drawing sessions. So using pastels is perfect, they are quick, colourful and create smooth fills. I do not like charcoal as it creates intense contrasts. This results in very dramatic drawings which is something I do not want achieve. I’m searching for a more sensual, softer approach.
Five minute nude |
Five minute nude |
Five minute nude |
Five minute nude |
Five minute nude |
Two minute nude |
Five minute nude |
4 replies on “Suddenly there was magic”
Back again to hetero, I´m in love whith these sketches even been in pastel. They are fantastic, not sure wich one I like most.
You make me smile setxu.
älskar knäna på den översta 5minutaren, snyggt!
Tack Henrik,
Jag tycker om den översta också! Alla är rätt lyckat. Det händer inte ofta att jag är så nöjd med vad jag har skapat.