David Meldrum figure painting Nude Sketch watercolor Watercolouring

The Naked Truth

Do I need to use a pencil initially when painting a watercolour nude? I didn’t here and I like the result, I just started painting the nude directly onto paper. I will continue down this path and see what develops. Merry Christmas!

Pencil free nude by David Meldrum
Pencil free nude. Saunders Waterford HP  paper – 31 x 23 cm

By meldrum

My name is David Meldrum. I am an Artist who loves watercolour.

6 replies on “The Naked Truth”

Wonderful, and incredible, Iǘe never tried whithout drawing first and Iḿ sure the result will never be like this one.Congratulations a good one as usual. Merry Christmas for you too.

Thank you for your wonderful support throughout 2013. I wish you a Big Merry Christmas! I know nothing about you, maybe in 2014 you can show me some of your watercolours. It would be fun! 🙂

Well there is not much to know about me, spanish hairdresser,amateur watercolourist,and not good enought to show, but learning everyday from people like you, thank you for sharing. Too shy to let you see my work at least till it improves. But maybe next year I ĺl be brave enought

I think we all feel that we are not good enough. I hope you feel more confident to share your work during 2014! 🙂 My personal aim for 2014 is to paint more and enter my first exhibition. The fun I think is in developing new skills and meeting new and interesting people.

Hi David
Lovely free flowing life drawing. Just encountered your site whilst searching for Ted Nuttall pictures. I have just started life drawing, never done before. I have returned to exploring my artistic expression after many years letting it lapse. I loved some of your earlier work in pencil and charcoal too. I want to explore painting people in watercolour. Painting people inspires me more than painting scenery – but I enjoy both. Happy painting in 2014.

Hi Michele,
Ted Nuttall's paintings are truly inspiring, I try to capture his and Charles Reid's luminosity while watercolouring nudes and portraits. I am relatively quite new to painting, but I know this; if you can paint a nude, the rest is easy! 😉

Happy New Year to you!


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