David Meldrum Sketch Urban Sketchers

Meeting the Urban Sketchers

A sketch by David Meldrum of Luis Simöes
Luis sketches in Stockholm.

I met Nina Johansson and Luis Simöes from Urban Sketchers last weekend, It was a very inspirational meeting. We sat outside a café on Nybrogatan and chatting but mostly sketched. I’m new to this Urban Sketching thing so it was a bit difficult just drawing whatever was in front of you. In the end I wanted to draw the shop opposite but Luis was in the way so I drew him too, it was fun! Luis told me to use better paper, which I took onboard. I also learned that composition is so important when Sketching, a quick drawing will never look good if it is squeezed into the confines of a page, not given enough white space to breath in other words.

Luis Simöes is currently on a World Sketching Tour, check out his blog and see where he has been sketching and where he plans to visit.

By meldrum

My name is David Meldrum. I am an Artist who loves watercolour.

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