art art lesson Duffy Sheridan oil painting Video youtube

Duffy Sheridan’s painting course

I am half way through this course and finding it very useful in my quest to learn how to paint portraits. Duffy Sheridan teaches at a slow informal pace that can sometimes be tedious but I personally like his laid back style, one gets to know him after a while, this is nice because he seems to be a decent  relaxed – American type of dude. He is also extremely talented which is an important ingredient to me enjoying his portrait painting course.

Arnold Schwarzenegger David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Portrait water coloring

Lunch Sketch #7 ( 3rd day )

A half hour per day; lunch time sketching is a slow process. I take a photo each day just in case I mess the whole thing up and have to trash it!

Arnold Schwarzenegger David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Sketch water colouring

Lunch Sketch #7 ( second lunch break )

I am finding it hard to find time to illustrate and paint during my lunch periods right now. I do have time, I just need the office to be calm when I illustrate and it has not been of late. Such is life….
